The fate of the nation is in our hands.


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2003
if the leftists and Hillary win:

They will add two activist leftist judges and control the Supreme Court for the next 30-40 years and probably forever.
Then, they will Gerrymander the congressional districts, to guarantee that over the next 2 - 4 years they will control Congress forever also.
With all three branches of the Government under their control, with the universities , HS's and grade schools also in their hands, with Hollywood, the music industry and 90% of the press and media as their tools, they will consolidate their power, put us under the auspices of the EU/ UN style organizations and quickly achieve their long term goals, which have always beeen, the end of the free enterprise system and the the full implementation of a socialist/communist system doomed to make us poorer and less free.
Really, their goal will remain, the end of Western civilization and the beginning of their new world order.
I foresee a time in the next 10-12 years under this band of Leftists where they will stop allowing emigration, and the removal of assets from this country.
They will continue overspending until we are totally bankrupt , we're almost there now, which is why interest rates are being kept artificially low and then personal property won't be worth fighting for and you won't have the guns to fight with anyway.
The fate of the nation is in our hands.
Forget your political correctness, don't be fooled, stand up for America, your America and defeat The Leftist Democrats who have big plans.
It's your only hope.
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