Are people born gay or is it environmental sometimes?

Oh hey a link that doesn't even remotely relate to your thread title. Good job good effort.

When did you choose to start liking women?

Or are you gay and you just choose to have sex with women?
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Well, I was about 11-12 and I didn't like girls, they were always annoying and telling each other secrets and looking at us and laughing and i just wanted to play ball and they were in the way BUT then i was watching the movie TRAPEZE with Burt Lancaster and Tony Curtis and Gina Lollobrigida walked into the scene wearing her trapeze costume and I said 'WOOOOH, I think i'm starting to GET this whole GIrl thing and I never turned back.
My friend who is a psychologist and who has treated a high percentage of gay men in his practice believes some people are born predisposed but environmental issues are a big part of it for many others.
One of his common denominators was many of his gay clients first experience was being abused by a gay relative or friend of the family.
Maybe those kids had a predisposition and that's why they were selected but I believe for many , they get to a crossroads and can go either way and then environment plays a role.
We've all known effeminate married men who raised families and were husbands and fathers and behind their backs people say, 'He's gay and doesn't even know it."
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