The injuries to Rand and Loudermilk have created an opportunity to create lemonade out of lemons. It looks like Leonard and the coaches are using these injuries as an opportunity to recast the defensive line as bigger and more physical. Rand, Howe, Phaff? and Preston are all D lineman under 280 pounds. Sagapolu, Lyles, and Williams are over 300 and will all play NT and SSDE. Loudermilk and Vopel are prototype WSDE 300lbs and 6’7” and 6’6”.
The playmakers are LBs and a larger more stout line should keep them cleaner. I doubt they would have grabbed Lyles and made changes without the lemons.
The playmakers are LBs and a larger more stout line should keep them cleaner. I doubt they would have grabbed Lyles and made changes without the lemons.