guys, i think you are missing it on NN. He is a very good, and sometimes excellent corner. he will play on sundays. He and Tindal, are the reason, why our defense has been so good. There ability to lock down the two best receivers, is yuge. I would bet the coaches would agree that these two corners are two of the best, we have seen, in the same season, since Fletcher and Echols. When we don't get pressure, any corner will struggle. I think many of the penalties are marginal, at best. sure there might be some minor hand work, but that is part of football. holding could be called practically every play, if they wanted to. D backs have a very difficult job, the way they call interference. 18 passes defended in 9 games is ridiculous, and we have never seen these numbers before, that i am aware of. granted a few of them should have been interceptions, but he is really a good player. his cocky mentality, along with tindal, is what seems to piss people off, but that is what good corners have. they have confidence bordering on cockiness. I think he is gone to the pros, but hope he comes back. NFL corner size. tindal is good too.