Some noticeable gains/drops:
Ray Ball up 8 pounds to 332.
Beau Benzschawel up 19 pounds to 309.
Mike Caputo down 11 pounds to 201.
John Damrow up 19 pounds to 244.
Sam Eckert up 12 pounds to 232.
Joe Ferguson down 12 pounds to 200.
Ben Hemer up 2 inches to 6-6 and 10 pounds to 303.
Billy Hirschfeld up 14 pounds to 285.
Alex Hornibrook down 16 pounds to 199.
Bart Houston up 10 pounds to 228.
Natrell Jamerson adds an inch and gains 15 pounds. Now 6-0, 195.
Caleb Kinlaw up 10 pounds to 190.
Tyler Marz now listed at 6-7, was previously 6-5.
Jake Maxwell up 9 pounds to 304.
Zander Neuville up 28 pounds to 254.
Dare O up 12 pounds to 200.
George Panos up 14 pounds to 315.
P.J. Roskowski up 10 pounds to 196.
Peter Roy up 11 pounds to 186.
Krenwick Sanders up 11 pounds and an inch to 6-2, 204.
Noah Stengel up 11 pounds to 201.
Nick Thomas down 17 pounds to 213.
Connor Udelhoven up 19 pounds to 229.
Ray Ball up 8 pounds to 332.
Beau Benzschawel up 19 pounds to 309.
Mike Caputo down 11 pounds to 201.
John Damrow up 19 pounds to 244.
Sam Eckert up 12 pounds to 232.
Joe Ferguson down 12 pounds to 200.
Ben Hemer up 2 inches to 6-6 and 10 pounds to 303.
Billy Hirschfeld up 14 pounds to 285.
Alex Hornibrook down 16 pounds to 199.
Bart Houston up 10 pounds to 228.
Natrell Jamerson adds an inch and gains 15 pounds. Now 6-0, 195.
Caleb Kinlaw up 10 pounds to 190.
Tyler Marz now listed at 6-7, was previously 6-5.
Jake Maxwell up 9 pounds to 304.
Zander Neuville up 28 pounds to 254.
Dare O up 12 pounds to 200.
George Panos up 14 pounds to 315.
P.J. Roskowski up 10 pounds to 196.
Peter Roy up 11 pounds to 186.
Krenwick Sanders up 11 pounds and an inch to 6-2, 204.
Noah Stengel up 11 pounds to 201.
Nick Thomas down 17 pounds to 213.
Connor Udelhoven up 19 pounds to 229.