I mean bringing in Nebby, Rutgers , two schools who always need money and not giving them an equal share immediately , may not have hurt Nebby or MAryland much but it's killing Rutgers.
I mean the BIg's health is directly related to it's members health, why take a school like RUtgers in, who you know has an Atheltic Department in huge debt and is short of funds and not build them up immediately.
I get it's a windfall but if you marry a poor girl and you're rich, you buy her a nice wardrobe and a house immediately and she doesn't run around like a rag-a-muffin and embarrass you.
Seems like BIG tEN fans much prefer to sneer at Rutgers than to see them brought up to speed, as their additonal T.V's are indeed good for the entrie conference both in money, prestige and recruiting (Athletes and students applications) value.
Personally, I think it was a mistake not to give them the windfall, even if there were loan guartantees in case they didn't work out.
I mean the BIg's health is directly related to it's members health, why take a school like RUtgers in, who you know has an Atheltic Department in huge debt and is short of funds and not build them up immediately.
I get it's a windfall but if you marry a poor girl and you're rich, you buy her a nice wardrobe and a house immediately and she doesn't run around like a rag-a-muffin and embarrass you.
Seems like BIG tEN fans much prefer to sneer at Rutgers than to see them brought up to speed, as their additonal T.V's are indeed good for the entrie conference both in money, prestige and recruiting (Athletes and students applications) value.
Personally, I think it was a mistake not to give them the windfall, even if there were loan guartantees in case they didn't work out.