Supreme Court decision- Liberals in an uproar,


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2003
So, maybe I can explain it for them.
Trump hands the SCOTUS a piece of paper in which he demands VETTING of individuals from a few Muslim countries where due to WAR, terrorism and a lack of good information, we have no real idea who is traveling here from those countries.
It's a temporary travel ban until we find out who the people are and IF we want them.
Same thing with Venezuella and North Korea.

So, the MAJORITY position was and I paraphrase, ' We don't know what trumps personal feelings are towards Muslims and we don't care what he said before he was President, the story here is under the words on the papers before us, his ORDER, he indeed has the right to protect the people of the U.S. by limiting immigration and travel from countries where there can be a legit and plausible threat from them because we can't easily VETT them."
Trump has the EXECUTIVE branch RIGHT to do this and the Supreme Court has no right to stop him because the Constitution gives the EXECUTIVE branch that right.

You think Trump is wrong, you think Trump is a Muslim hater, you think he's racist?
Your remedy is to vote him out.

The SCOTUS did the EXACT correct thing, it clarified the separation of the BRANCHES of GOVERNMENT and without agreeing with trump's decision, upheld the Constitution of this great nation.

The LIBERAL Judges, all 4 of them have no clue as to what their job is.
It isn't to be congressman or Presidents, it's to be Judges who's only job is to uphold the Constitution.
They didn't and SHAME on THEM for being political instead of Judicial.
SHAME Sotomyer, SHAME Byers shame on all four of you!!!!!