Quick thoughts on this game and program

I haven't watched the whole game, but the reality is, there is a talent chasm that players and coaches have to be perfect to win a game like this. They weren't and quite honestly, can't be expected to do so.

Further, Longo may have called a bad game. But Allen is not a kid who can carry the's just not in him. To fumble twice AND ends up injured when the team needed him the most says a lot. Probably are good kid, but not a kid you can ride. And more, literally, Longo is performing without Mordecai, Chez, Allen in the second half and now Dike. There are 1 or 2 teams that have talent enough to overcome the loss of their 4 best offensive players and win a game against the likes of OSU. We all need to take a chill pill and realize, this ain't the year and they are operating with over 30% of their offensive starters (and guys who handle the ball the most) out of the lineup....They played tough, but not perfect....They need more depth, talent and playmakers. And FU Tom Oates....Hinzman was firing his snaps back to the QB, our guy wasn't.....OOOOOPS.

How is TRECH KEKAHUNA progressing?

How is Trech Kekahuna doing? Is there any chance he could play at the end of the year? Curious if he is a lot better than the other receivers in the room who haven't seen the field this year but are older eligibility wise. Do players still get to play in 3 games without losing their redshirt status?

Would like to see a spark vs Minnesota and our Bowl game by Kekahuna and any other Freshman that have a spark and talent.

If I missed any articles or posts on this I apologize in advance.

NBC Broadcast thoughts for OSU game

For those who watched the game on TV what were you thoughts on the broadcast on NBC? My first and immediate complaint was the utter lack of ability to tell anything about the crowd noise, they had almost all of the crowd volume completely filtered out. You couldn't hear much of a peep on a first down, interception or touchdown. You watch an SEC game on ESPN and they've got the volume for the crowd cranked up to the max by comparison.

I was also completely unimpressed by the librarian level of enthusiasm of the play by play guy, Noah somebody......Blackledge is good as usual but the Notre Dame broadcast level of excitement was awful. They play by play and sideline reporter also couldn't pronounce Badger player names all game long. They got all the OSU players correct, so good on them for doing 50% of the research.
