OK, thought I'd start a new thread with the SOLE purpose of having a similar discussion about opening up the economy. I think we can stick to the same level of decorum we've seen in the closing thread.
Let's discuss the opening of the economy and what that might look like.
My view is that we'll need to social distance from large gatherings for a while but many industries could go back to work with new parameters at those places of work. I also think that the testing and tracking must be done in order to quell outbreaks. But I'm not paid to think about these things so I thought we could use the Bermuda principal of Badger board intelligence.
Here are some industries that could go back to work pretty quickly due to factors like being outside or not a lot of contact:
Real Estate Agents
Manufacturing as long as everyone keeps their distance and are monitored
I don't see sporting events, restaurants or much travel and hospitality happening in the next three months though..
Would love another nice thread thinking about getting out of this mess!