I’m doing it again. Someone please slap me!

I think I am getting back on the Fickell train. Please beat me down for thinking this way but….there is a world where Fickell has two competent coordinators that run the X’s and O’s while Fickell is the recruiter and the Dan Campbell type vibes guy….Here’s the ingredients (all of which could fail)
1. Grimes has to be good. In all honesty I have no clue about this guy other than he’s an offensive linemen type
2. Tressel and the 2-4-5 defense have to go. Very disappointing that this train seems to have stalled…but it’s possible that after the Bowl games a coaching shake up gives Fickell a clear upgrade
3. I have seen all the Strength and Conditioning hype videos….and I am convinced they are just hype. We need someone to make Wisconsin bigger and tougher again.
4. I’ve said it before and have been hammered for it. But the core of this team has to be built with Wisconsin high school kids. Wisconsin is one of the rare state schools to be the only Div 1 school in the state. That needs to be taken advantage of more. I really feel the instate kids are more likely to stay more than one or two years to try to fight for a spot…just because they want to be in Madison. Maybe ND can get a few kids from the state but Illinois and Indiana, and Minnesota and Iowa should not.

Ok. Feel free to slap me down now
